Request Instructions

Graphic Design Request Timeline:

  • Printed publications like workbooks, schedules, and planners need a minimum of 8-12 weeks notice (there are many steps and rounds of edits).
  • A detailed artistic project like a sticker needs a minimum of 6-8 weeks notice (depending on printing).
  • Something digital and simple like an Instagram graphic or digital flyer need a minimum of 2 weeks notice.

Social Media Request Timeline:

  • For one-time Facebook and/or Instagram posts and stories, please give 2 weeks notice.
  • For a series of Facebook and/or Instagram posts and stories, please give 4 weeks notice.
  • If you would like to go live at an event or post something last-minute yourself, please just ask me so I can let Lexi know.

Things to Note:

  • If you need something complete with less than the provided minimum of weeks, reach out to Abel Zemedkun Girma directly. Projects with short notice will be considered on a case-by-case basis based on designer availability to complete them.
  • Please note that your edits on the first draft can be expected to take 3-5 business days. Major edits or redesigns will need more time for edits. Make sure to have all your language finalized when submitting a request to cut down on rounds of edits.
  • Our team only provides the design. You and your supervisor are responsible for printing. You may need your design in a specific file based on its purpose. If you do not specify, you will receive either a PDF, PNG, or JPG file.
  • If you need your graphic posted on social media, fill out a Social Media Request Form as well.
  • Please note that designers may not be able to recreate your exact vision but will use your ideas as inspiration.
  • Your design will be sent to you via Teams when complete.

Submit a Request

Please submit a social media or graphic design request via this STFP MarComm Request Qualtrics Form