2SA Applications are now closed

1. Talk to support systems about the time requirements and experience

We encourage you to talk to support systems or family members regarding your decision to apply. We know that there are many factors that go into applying to a position and encourage you to make the decision with your campus or personal support systems. If you have any questions about the role, please reach out to Joseph Morris, Coordinator

2. Review the position descriptions and important dates here

We provide the position description and important dates ahead of time so you can fully plan and envision the scope and commitment required for the 2SA position. Please review the below document to ensure that you have no conflicts. If there is an anticipated conflict, please reach out to Renaldo Luna Gacad, Associate Director. 

3. What we are looking for in an applicant

All 2SA applicants:

  • Exhibit:
    • Leadership potential and initiative 
    • A strong commitment to the 2SA program
    • Respect for the values of the University and Student Transitions & Family Programs
    • A strong commitment to becoming informed and knowledgeable about the University’s academic policies, procedures, deadlines, and various advising systems 
    • Strong interpersonal and group presentation skills
  • Possess a genuine concern for others
  • Have an open mind and a positive attitude
  • Demonstrate the ability to work with a diverse group of people including students, parents, faculty, and staff
  • Exemplify these core attributes:
    • Approachable, dependable, dedicated, knowledgeable, respectful, empathetic, skilled at conflict-resolution management, adept at communication, and positive role modeling skills

Additionally, 2SA applicants must:

  • Be current Washington University undergraduate students in the graduating classes of 2024 or 2025
  • Be in good standing at the university with regard to discipline history
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of the fall semester

Students studying abroad in spring 2024 are welcome to apply!

4. Ask us questions regarding the 2SA position

Student Transitions & Family Programs hosted a live virtual Information Session to introduce the 2SA role, explain the application and interview process, and answer questions. 

If you have questions about the 2SA position, please email Joseph Morris, Coordinator

2SA Application Process

Our selection process is two-fold: (1) Submit a written application and (2) Individual interview. Below is information regarding each step in the process. 

To initiate your application, please complete all steps in Part 1: Written Application. At the end of your written application, you will be prompted to sign up for Part 2: an Individual Interview time slot.   

Part 1: Written Application

In order to apply for the 2SA Position, you must complete ALL steps below. Applicants who fail to complete or pass one of the below steps will not be considered for the role.

Step 1: Prepare a Resume and Cover Letter for the written application

A Resume and Cover Letter Prompt is provided. This prompt outlines how your resume and cover letter should be formatted and what information should be included. Please follow the prompt carefully. 

A few tips: 

Step 2: Ask someone to serve as your Reference

Recommendation forms should be submitted by your reference by Monday, March 4, 2024.

Recommendations should be completed by a WashU faculty or staff member, current or former supervisor, high school instructor or staff member, or your current RA or 2SA. WashU student supervisors may also serve as a reference. However, WashU students who are not your current RA, 2SA, or supervisor and family members are not appropriate references for the 2SA position.  

The person completing your recommendation should be someone who can speak to your interpersonal skills and work style. 

Please send your reference an email with the following information in advance so they have time to complete it:

When you submit your online application form, you will be asked to submit the name, position title, email address, and phone number of your reference; make sure you have this available when completing your application. 

It’s also helpful to send your reference a copy of your resume and a brief summary of why you are applying for the position and what you hope to gain from the experience.

Step 3: Submit online application form by Monday, March 4 at Noon.

After you submit your application, you will receive an email confirming your application has been received and reminding you to send the recommendation form link to your reference. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application was not received. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact Student Transitions & Family Programs 

Make sure to leave plenty of time to submit your application–they are time stamped; we are not able to accept late applications. 

STFP will conduct checks for academic and conduct standing

STFP will conduct academic standing checks which includes reviewing both semester and cumulative GPA. Applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and semester GPA of 3.0 or higher during semesters employed. We may additionally call four-year advisers regarding status. This includes reviewing educational records including courses, unofficial transcripts, and grades, and GPA.

Additionally, the Student Transitions & Family Programs refers to Conduct and Community Standards regarding student conduct standing. 

Lastly, due to 2SA’s status as mandatory reporters as a result of their role, Student Transitions & Family Programs refers to the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office for instances of individuals who may not be able to serve as as mandatory reporters.

Part 2: Individual Interview

2SA Individual Interview logistics and information

Every 2SA applicant will be taken directly to a sign-up for an individual interview with two STFP members after the submission of their written application. 

Interviews will take place between Tuesday, March 5, and Thursday, March 7.  

Interviews are 30-minute behavior-based interviews where applicants will be asked to share examples of experiences or instances applicable to the questions. Applicants will also be asked to share personal reflections and understanding of the role and department.  

Information about business casual dress

We ask applicants to arrive to their interviews in business casual dress. We recognize that dress codes are form of societal oppression and acknowledge that students must learn to navigate these expectations to be successful in future workplaces.

We use this as an opportunity for applicants to practice business casual dress during interviews for the future. We do not take applicant dress in consideration in the process.

We understand that not everyone may own business casual attire. We recommend you try borrowing clothes from a friend or checking the Trading Post located under Gregg Hall. 

For examples of business casual attire, please see below:

  • Business casual attire includes clothing such as a dress shirt, khakis, a skirt, dress, dress pants, and closed-toed shoes.
  • Business casual does not include jeans, leggings, sneakers, shorts, and/or sandals.
Resources to prepare for an individual interview

We encourage applicants to refer to the Career Center for opportunities to practice interviewing skills.

One resource the Career Center provides is Big Interview, an online portal that assists with various interview skills and techniques.

A second resource includes tips around successful interviews skills which include information about business casual dress.

Additionally, the Career Center offers opportunities to schedule mock interviews through the Career Advisers.

Since the interview will be conducted virtually, it may be helpful to refer to the Career Center’s Tips for Online Interviews.

Request for Accommodations

If you are in need of any accommodations during the application and/or interview process, please reach out to Maggie Hermann, STFP Administrative Coordinator and Accommodations Manager. She will work with you to determine the best path forward.

Accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reading/writing tasks
  • Computer-based tasks
  • Physical tasks including walking or lifting
  • Religious accommodations and observances
  • Other
Sample questions and reflections to help you prepare

Tell us about yourself. We will begin by asking you to share a little about yourself. This should be your 30-60 second elevator pitch: year in school, what you’re studying, and campus or community involvement. This is an opportunity for us to really get to know you as an individual. We hope you can share meaningful aspects or insights into your life. Please note that the STFP is looking for a diverse pool of applicants, so we want you to present your authentic and genuine self.

What is your understanding of the 2SA role? Before answering this question, you need to fully understand the 2SA position. You should review the position description and reflect on the role’s responsibilities. You will also want to reflect on why you are applying for the role. When answering this question, be as honest as you can. Avoid cliché answers of “I want to help people.” Let the interviewers know more specifically why you want this position. This is an opportunity to explain not only why you want to be a 2SA but also what you can bring to the table. Did you have a positive experience with your 2SA that inspired you to apply? Please share anything and everything that can give us a keen insight into your motivations for applying to the position. 

Tell us about a situation you have been involved in where there were individuals who had different opinions than you.

  • In this answer, the interviewers are trying to determine how you handle conflicts. As a student leader, you will be working many hours with people who will have different personalities and perspectives from your own and the interviewers want an honest assessment of how you handle these situations.
  • Even if the example you give does not have a perfect ending or may show you were at fault, you can use this example to show what you have learned since then and the changes you will make in the future.
  • Think about class projects or teams that you have been a part of, roommate conflicts, problems at work, or conflicts that have arisen with customers you have worked with in the past.
  • One of your roles as a 2SA may be to manage conflict. We are looking for individuals who are adept at conflict management and resolution. We want to see how you respond to conflict and how you navigate tricky issues that you or your future cohort students may experience.

Describe a time when you needed to seek out academic help for one of your classes. What advice would you give to a student struggling academically? One role of a 2SA may be to direct students to proper academic resources. Think about places or people you’ve gone for help or would go to if need be. The interviewers want to hear about your understanding of WashU’s resources and how students should access them, as well as the support you would provide for your students struggling with the academic transition. We want to hear about your experiences navigating your academic career at WashU since as a 2SA, you may be helping second-year students access academic resources to find success on campus.

What questions do you have for us? Have 1-2 questions prepared for us. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the role and what you will be doing throughout the year. Is there something unclear about the position that you want some clarity on?

2024-2025 2SA Individual Interview Questions
  1. To begin, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself. 
  1. How would you describe the 2SA position?  Additionally, please explain your understanding of the time commitment.   
  1. Tell us about a time you served as a role model or mentor to someone. In what ways was this experience mutually beneficial? 
  1. 2SAs will serve as role models and representatives of the Student Transitions & Family Programs for the second-year student experience:  Tell us about a time you acted as a representative of a group or organization that you were part of.  What was important to you in that role?  How did you know you were acting as a positive representative of that group? 
  1. Tell us about a time when you worked on a group project or were part of a team. What role did you play on that team to move the project forward, and what have you learned from that experience? 
  1. At times, we all drop the ball or make a mistake, including the two of us. Tell us about a time when you did not follow through on a commitment or made an unfortunate mistake. How did you rectify the situation? 
  1. What elements do you think are important in cultivating an inclusive environment?   
  1. Building rapport with students quickly can be a difficult part of this position. Describe action steps you would take to ensure there is a welcoming environment for students who may feel less comfortable in group situations. 
  1. Why should we select you to be a Second-Year Student Associate? 
  1. What questions do you have for us? 
Tips for success in the individual interview
  • Sign up for a time that works well for you and affords you time to travel and get settled for the interview. We are not able to interview candidates who arrive late.
  • Confirm the date, time, and location of your interview.
  • Read through the position description. If there is something you would like further clarification on, you can ask at the end of the interview.
  • Be thoughtful about how long each of your responses will be. We will ask you 10 questions, the interview is about 30 minutes, and we want to include time for you to ask us questions at the end.
  • Treat the interview as if it were a job or internship interview.
  • Be prepared 10 minutes prior to your scheduled interview time. 

Hiring Notification for 2SA Position

Email notification of 2SA selection

Applicants will be notified via email no later than Thursday, March 7 at 5:00 PM if they have been selected as a 2SA or a 2SA alternate. 

Applicants will be notified either way. Please check spam or junk mail if you have not received a notification or email transitions@wustl.edu. 

Individuals who are not selected to be a 2SA or are selected to serve as an alternate may consider emailing transitions@wustl.edu to set up a feedback session.